The Adventure Begins
Here's what people are saying about the Prayer Notebook!
Author Ester Johnson This Notebook is a well thought through, practical prayer guide for any stage of life. |
Pastor's Wife Beth Spilger What a wonderful change took place in my prayer life when I was introduced to this prayer organizational tool. |
Teacher Denise Beverly The "Pray About Your Praying" is what sets this notebook apart from all others. |
Evangelist's Wife Kaitlyn Gellos I love that it is customizable to however it makes the most sense for the user. |
Author / Speaker Claudia Barba Prayer is me talking to the One Who loves me most. It’s precious, personal, and powerful. |
Pastor's Wife Melanie lynn The Lord is using this method of specific, focused prayer to change me. |
Pastor Rick lynn I was able to adjust the Prayer Notebook to fit my personal needs as a pastor and to increase my effectiveness. |